The Pork Shop

After living in Muscat for nearly 2 years, I had occasionally heard rumours of a pork shop in Ruwi. I just assumed it was all nonsense, but recently I have discovered that it actually does exist! And because there is not enough information on the Internet about little things like this here in Muscat, I've decided to blog about it.

The shop is opposite the LuLu's in Darsait. It's marked on Wikimapia here. The place is called Al Hamadi Fisheries, it's open from 8am to 1pm & 5pm to 9.30pm Sat-Thurs, Fridays it's open in the morning only. The shop sells frozen meat and fish, and in a side-room, it sells frozen pork products. They have frozen beef, lamb, mutton, duck, veal and tons of different types of frozen fish. They even have a The Week box there, which is usually well stocked (try finding a copy after Tuesday elsewhere!)

Oh, and the place is cheaper than Al Fair, which is always nice. And speaking of Al Fair, check out this last picture of some Ham in their MQ branch which was snapped recently.

It's rancid. It's green. Why is it still on sale?
The Pork Shop The Pork Shop Reviewed by Sythe on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. That pork from Al Fair is disgusting! And so expensive, have you seen the prices?

    Thanks for the headsup on the pork shop, awesome find!

  2. I had no idea about the pork shop! I will have to go and check it out. Thanks :0)

  3. AIO - I know, I couldn't believe it when I saw that rancid meat on sale in the pork room at Un-Fair!

    ED - Have fun in the Pork shop!

  4. Good to know that you are blogging Sythe. Your comments on Omanforum are always worthwhile. Cheers.

    -Omani in US

  5. any idea if they will be open in ramadan?

  6. boxster- not that it helps now, but yes, they were open during ramadan.

  7. hey! I was actually thinking of moving to Muscat. my dad been there for quite a while, back in the 70s and 80s but I guess a lot has changed now. I am from India.
    Now, coming to the point, can you please give me your e-mail so that I can get my own bit of clarity?
    Thanks :-)

  8. I am new in the city and wasn't even dreaming of getting pork here. Thanks Sythe for your help.

  9. Roshan, you are very welcome :)


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